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coping strategies Articles

Coping strategies are techniques and behaviours used to effectively manage stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations. They play a vital role in promoting mental well-being by providing individuals with tools to navigate stressors, reduce anxiety, and build resilience. These strategies enhance emotional regulation, improve problem-solving skills, and contribute to overall psychological health and a greater sense of control over one's life.

Browse the articles below to find out more.

Can hypnotherapy help you stop procrastinating?

How does hypnotherapy help stop procrastination? What is procrastination? Have you ever found yourself asking, 'why do I procrastinate so much?' or 'why do I keep putting things off even though I have so much to do?' Procrastinating is one of those things

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Does Hypnotherapy work for Anxiety?

Anxiety can have an overwhelming emotional impact and can hold you back from enjoying everyday life. Hypnotherapy can help to resolve the worried thoughts and break the cycle.

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Five ways to break the cycle of depression and give yourself a boost

Five ways to break the cycle of depression and give yourself a boost Every now and then, we all feel low, often it passes quickly, and we get back to our normal routines. However, for some a low mood can last a long time, leaving you

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How to stop your fear of flying and start your journey feeling relaxed

How to stop your fear of flying and start your journey feeling relaxed If you have a fear of flying, you know the debilitating impact this can have on your life. For some, it will be the mental and physical suffering you have to deal with

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Manage Stress and Become More Resilient

Stress is a normal response to the demands of daily life. However, being under continuous and heavy pressure, we can become overwhelmed and stressed, causing feelings of being unable to cope.

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What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Clients are often very impressed with our expert hypnotherapy sessions and how the process tends to differ to how they initial expected.

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Sleep well, it's good for your health

Sleep well, it's good for your health Sleep affects every aspect of our lives and a good night's sleep helps us feel better, more energetic, alert and more motivated the next day. If you've ever had the odd night of interrupted sleep or a few late

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How to actually achieve your goals (and stay motivated)

How to actually achieve your goals (and stay motivated) Last week I bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for a few months, she was looking great, but she was in a rush. We both commented how quickly January had gone by and I asked her

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3 Surprising Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You Manage Your Weight

If you're serious about changing your habits around food and stress, hypnotherapy can be incredibly helpful. In fact, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy offers a highly effective approach to reducing stress, improving sleep, and helping form healthier habits

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What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy? Perhaps you're looking for help or support but not sure exactly what it is all about or how hypnotherapy works. This

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Hypnotherapy for Anxiety - The What, Why and How

Anxiety is such a common condition which effects the brain and is the subject of a lot of research. Anxiety can become very overwhelming and hard to manage. Hypnotherapy can be a way to help see the warning signs and respond to them in a healthy and posit

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What is Imposter Syndrome, And Can You Overcome It?

Have you ever been in a room full of people and thought I don't belong here? They're going to find me out and realise I don't actually know what I'm doing.? This is known as Imposter Syndrome and it is very common within the modern world. In this blog,

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The Shocking Truth About Entrepreneurial Mental Health

When you look at a successful entrepreneur, you probably think they've got everything together? The truth is, that often isn't the case. I think it's time we were honest about how brutal building your own business can really be, and why mental health is t

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6 Ways Hypnotherapy Helps Business Owners Succeed

Running a business and working to grow and expand your enterprise can be very stressful and leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In this article, I explain the ways hypnotherapy can make a huge difference to not only your quality of life and work.

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Overcoming Your Fear of Success

Have your ever felt like you've somehow got to where you are in life by accident and at somepoint someone will ask you what are you doing here? This is a more common feeling than you think, known as Imposter Syndrome which is reported to effect 7 out of 1

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How to sleep better and say goodbye to sleepless nights

Sleep is a hugely important to our physical and mental wellbeing, in blog I explain the 7 habits you need to start sleeping better so you can say goodbye to sleepless nights and wake up feeling refreshed and reenergised for the day ahead!

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4 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Make This Festive Season Happier and Healthier

Christmas might be 'the most wonderful time of the year', but for some people it can also be the most stressful time of the year. In fact, I'm willing to bet that almost everyone has experienced some form on holiday stress, even if it was only fleeting! W

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Starting New Changes With Confidence

In the new year, typically 1 in 5 people are looking for a change of job, whilst many consider quitting altogether and starting a business of their own. Whilst this is great news, making millions of individuals happier, it can make lead to many feeling wa

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Can Hypnotherapy Help With Low Self-Esteem?

Do you struggle with low self confidence? Do you find it is holding you back from moving forward in life, whether that is in your working life or personal life? You are not alone! Read how hypnotherapy could help you to overcome your low self-esteem.

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Coping After COVID

Life has changed a lot since the pandemic began two years ago and has had a huge impact on the way we live and socialise. Read about the different ways the pandemic and lockdowns have affected our lives. Although changes are scary, it is important to kno

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Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

Do you suffer with limiting beliefs and low self-confidence? Many of our beliefs and thoughts stem from childhood, which can set negative standards for ourselves and limit our ability for positive change and to reach our full potential. Read how hypnother

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Hypnotherapy for Anger

We all have experienced feelings of anger at one point or another and is a common and healthy emotion. In this blog, I will define what anger is, the physical response associated with anger and most importantly how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help y

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4 Ways Anger Can Impact Your Life

Anger is a very common emotion that all of us experience at some point as a response to threat or situation where you feel wronged. However, anger can have a huge impact on your life if it is a reoccurring emotion to even the smallest of triggers.

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How Does Hypnotherapy Work For Anxiety?

Are you unsure how hypnotherapy works? As a qualified hypnotherapist, I can teach you useful coping mechanisms you to help overcome your struggles with anxiety

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How to stop worrying and fall asleep

Do you struggle to sleep at bedtime due to anxiety and worry suddenly taking over your brain. In this blog, we explain why the worrying starts when you get into bed and four tips to help you overcome this and sleep better.

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10 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

High Functioning Anxiety is a mild type of anxiety which does not get in the way of daily life but still brings on feelings of restlessness and worry. Learn about High Functioning Anxiety and see how hypnotherapy can help tackle the symptoms of the condit

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How to stop Rumination and Worry

Do you find yourself ruminating a lot, preventing you from getting on with daily tasks? Ruminations can be reason for some mental health issues. Read more to learn about ruminations and how hypnotherapy can help to regain control of your thoughts and conc

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What Is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and How to Deal with It

Everybody gets worried or anxious from time to time, but what if those feelings don’t go away or they’re triggered for no certain reason? Learn what Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is, it's causes, symptoms and recovery

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Conquer Anxiety and Stress with Simple Box Breathing

There are many times in daily life when all feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. And when it happens, practicing breathing exercises is a simple relaxation technique that will help you feel calm, less stressed or anxious. And it can also help with contr

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6 Simple Ways to Calm Anxiety Naturally

If you're dealing with ongoing stress and pressure or anxiety, no doubt you've experienced the fight or flight response. It's how your body responds under stress to help you deal with the perceived threats caused by what's happening in our lives.

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How to Stop Panic Attacks (Before They Start)

Triggers can vary from person to person, but they often involve certain situations or environments that elicit physical and emotional responses reminding you of previous panic attacks.

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How Does Hypnotherapy Help with Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and debilitating, affecting individuals both mentally and physically. If you're seeking relief from the distressing symptoms of panic attacks, hypnotherapy offers a promising solution.

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What's The Difference Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks?

Many people use the terms anxiety attacks and panic attacks interchangeably, and that's understandable, because they do have a lot of overlapping symptoms. But it's important to understand the difference because the approach to treatment and recovery for

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6 Signs of Social Anxiety and What to Start Doing About it

Do you ever feel anxious at the mere thought of having to go out or attend a social event, do you worry that you might become the centre of attention? Do you sometimes worry that people might notice something about you or the way you act?

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5 Habits That Make Your Anxiety Worse (And what to do about it)

Stress and anxiety are very real emotions for all of us and when we feel anxious about something the most natural thing to do is to try and avoid it, because when we avoid the things we fear, we get some relief and feel calmer.

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